Dear Partners in Mission,
Grace and Peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the Day of Christ Jesus..
We thank our God who has preserved us and kept us alive through the challenges of the COVID era. We would like to express our thanks and appreciation for your continued support both by prayers and donations.
We have managed to support over 200 pastors and community leaders in the last two years because of your prayers and financial support. We were able to send Christmas gifts to all the local pastors so they could celebrate Christmas with their families. We have responded to individual pastors who had serious medical issues or lost their loved ones. We were able to do all that we did because you remain faithful in your prayers and support.
As you know we have not had any of our usual activities like Walk-a-Thon and Luncheon since 2019. We are praying and trusting God to celebrate our annual luncheon on September 17, 2022. We are inviting you to participate with us at North Hills Country Club from 11:00 a.m.
We are praying to raise $50,000 so that we can continue our mission of Water Projects, Pastors’ conferences, Youth programs, and possibly the construction of water reservoirs.
Dr. Korich is currently in Kenya spending the month of April meeting with leaders in the government, the water service commission, and engineers to aid in the feasibility of the construction of reservoirs
We are also exploring our 5K run/walk which we have not been able to host for the last two years and there are several supporters who are encouraging us to have it in August this year. Stay tuned for this great fun event which will help us to raise funds for our programs and made a difference in lives in Rift Valley Kenya.
Please check out our newly revised website at for a convenient way to sign up for future events, check out current news, and place donations.
Thank you again for your continued prayers and financial support,
KSM Board of Directors