An Urgent Need
KSM’s water project was destroyed by landslides due to heavy rains. Now the task of restoration has begun. This drilling operation will provide water for seven schools, costing $12,000. Please donate as the Lord leads–$5, $10, $20, $100, $12,000. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Join us for the KSM Annual Run/Walk for Water for Life in March 2025.
Help us Fund Clean Drinking Water in the Kerion Valley in Kenya
According to UNICEF and WHO, 1 in 3 people globally do not have access to safe drinking water. Billions of people around the world are continuing to suffer from poor access to water, sanitation, and hygiene. This year’s theme for World Water Day is “Valuing Water.” Let us value water and help the thousands of children in the Kerion Valley drink safe water.
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The Long Term Solution
Dr. Elijah Korich, founder and CEO of Keiyo Soy Ministries (KSM) believes it requires empowering communities and assisting them in identifying and developing local resources. Ascertaining sustainable development in rural Africa can only be achieved by engaging individual communities in the development of their local resources.
Preservation of natural resources, water catchments, preservation of forests, planting of trees, food self-sufficiency, crop production, livestock development, water development and irrigation, public health clinics, education, and local capacity building are among the activities Keiyo Soy Ministries is striving to achieve in the next five years. Income-generating development includes the production of crops for local consumption and cash crops like coffee, fruits for local markets, and eventually, the exporting of these products will provide communities with foreign currency.

Dr. Elijah Korich, Founder and CEO of Keiyo Soy Ministries