Dear Supporters,

We wanted to thank you all for your continued support even during the continuing pandemic era. The COVID-19 global pandemic has caused us to witness traumatic events and challenging human social, physical, and mental health conditions the likes of which this world has never seen before. If there was ever a time to be convinced that the world has become a global village, it is now.

The pandemic has exposed the important need to live and work together towards a shared common goal, or else we die alone as separate islands. No nation is an island. We all share this apartment we call earth. Africa is not exempt; Kerio Valley, a sub-region of the Great Rift Valley in Kenya is reeling from not only economic disparity but also from lack of access to healthcare and medical facilities. The most vulnerable are in dire need of the COVID-19 vaccine. Currently, 1.1% of Kenya’s population has received a vaccine. Clearly, this is unacceptable, and more needs to be done in Kenya to combat COVID-19 not only locally but globally.

In the past, KSM has managed to tackle difficult public health issues. Through the support of KSM, the communities have access to improved sanitation and hygiene by constructing gravity-based water distribution systems that helped over three thousand children and families have access to safe and clean water. KSM has organized medical clinics which offer health care support, which included over 1,000 cataract surgeries, distribution of eyeglasses, and screening for high blood pressure and AIDS. Most of our clinic operations take place at Cheptebo Conference and Farm Training Center. This Center and our previous contacts provide a unique opportunity for KSM to leverage the resources of non-profit organizations and other logistical support to safely administer COVID-19 vaccines to those that need them the most.

We are seeking volunteer nurses and doctors as well as organizations to obtain and store vaccines to partner with KSM. We plan several teams of volunteers to spend 3-4 weeks in Kenya to administer the vaccine to large segments of the populations without access to healthcare. Teams would leave in November, December, or January based on the number of volunteers available. If you are unable to physically join a team, financial contributions are gratefully accepted to help defray the costs associated with this worthwhile project.

Thank you in advance for your prayers, financial support, or expertise in participating in this project. Contact Dr. Elijah Korich at 267-528-8285 for more information or to volunteer