Our Mission

Keiyo Soy Ministries is a Christian ministry serving Kenya, East Africa, providing clean drinking water, emergency vehicles, bibles, and Sunday School materials. We also establish health care clinics, empower youth to serve, and equip local pastors to spread the Gospel and provide for those in need.

“For the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ.” —Ephesians 4:12

Clean Water

Almost 20% of the world’s population still lacks access to safe drinking water because of failed policies. UN World Water Report

World Water Facts

  • One billion people without access to clean drinking water
  • 2.6 billion without adequate sanitation
  • Rapid urbanization increasing pressure on water resources
  • 30-40% of water ‘lost’ through illegal tapping and leaks 

What We’re Doing

men building water pipeline

The Katumoi Water Project has been assessed and approved by the Kenyan Government. Before approving this plan, the government has taken into consideration the amount of water available at the source and the amount of water needed to serve this area of Keiyo Valley. They have taken into consideration the environmental factors and the protection of the animal habitat. The plan is well designed and a culturally appropriate service system. Both the International Board of KSM and the National Board of KSM will do semi-annual assessments of cultural and environmental factors. We plan to identify and collaborate with other agencies with a similar vision for the valley.

water pipeline construction

Recent Projects 

Sponsoring Summer Youth Programs

A series of youth programs started in 2015 to challenge youth to rise to their potential.

Providing Clean Drinking Water

Water continues to be a real need in schools. KenTank construction expansion enables students to spend more of their precious time studying and avoiding sickness at home and not traveling to distant locations to collect water which in most cases will make them sick. As of late December 2000, UNICEF reported that “over 10 million people including 1.7 million children under five years of age in Ethiopia and more than 3.3 million people in Kenya continue to be at risk.”

Providing Over 100 Cataract Surgeries and Other Medical Procedures

Three Kenyan surgeons performed cataract surgeries, 3,000 screenings for diabetes, cancer, HIV, and high blood pressure for people in the Keiyo Soy Valley. We also provided over 4,000 pairs of eyeglasses. 

Providing for School Children

We provided laptops for schools, school uniforms, and shoes for school children who are in desperate need of these basics.

April Youth Rally

Youth Rally, April 2024

Board Members

Dr. Elijah Korich, Founder and CEO 

Mr. John P. Price, Chairman 


Mr. Herbert Dean, Vice-Chairman

Mr. Ronald Coleman, Treasurer

Mrs. Truphena Korich, Secretary

Mrs. Doris Price, Executive Assistant